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CUFF Contact Information

There are a number of ways to get in touch with CUFF members. The email addresses are given in a bot-proofed format to circumvent spam; you will have to insert the @ and dot.

Email Addresses

Main email contact:
This is the usually the best way to get a quick response to any general query you have about the group.
2022 board:
Email sent to this address goes to one of the CUFF board members.

Subscribe to our Newsletter

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Email Format

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To see the most up-to-date details of CUFF activities and participate in public discussions with other kinksters in the local area, join FetLife and visit our FetLife pages.

US Postal Service

Send any CUFF correspondence—whether to vote for board members by absentee ballot, or pass along promotional materials—to this address:

PO BOX 4333

Web Address

For completeness in printed copies of this page, the CUFF web address is

CUFF Misconduct Reporting Form

Have you experienced or witnessed any misconduct perpetrated by a CUFF member or at a CUFF meeting, munch, party, or other event? The data you provide on this form will be anonymously reported to CUFF board members:

CUFF Misconduct Reporting Form

About the BDSM Emblem

The BDSM Emblem is copyright 1995 by who maintains the copyright in order to protect the symbol. It is freely available for all educational and non-commercial use within the BDSM community without charge.