Here are some available tools to help you determine whether the person you are vetting is actually the kind of person you are looking for. Keep red flags in mind as you make use of them. As always, remember to take what works for you, and leave what does not.
Online Research
Browse social media, including FetLife. Do you have any common contacts? If so, reach out to any trusted mutual friends and ask them questions that can help you assess the PPP's suitability. Read the full guide for some important caveats.
Make use of Google or another search engine.
Consider searching the sex offender registry and/or running a background check. Again, there are some important caveats.
Read the full version of this section.
Live Research
Observe how the PPP interacts socially with others at group events (munches, meetings, social space of play parties) and during play at play parties, if possible.
Identify people who you have noticed interacting socially with the PPP, and ask for their opinions about the PPP—both in regards to the PPP as a play partner and as a human being in general.
Ask for references:
Read the full version of this section.
Meet with PPP in a Public Space
Reach out to the PPP on FetLife, or approach them at a munch or meeting, and ask if they would be interested in meeting publicly to discuss potential future play.
It may not be a good idea to engage in a longer discussion at this initial reach-out.
This initial conversation should:
Talk about play experience level and involvement in the BDSM community.
Confirm that you have common mutual/reciprocal play interests without going into extensive detail.
Ask about marital and relationship status and other play partners.
Establish a friendship ramping period (see next section). Discuss the parameters with the PPP and make sure you are both clear on what those parameters are.
Read the full version of this section.
Friendship Ramping Period
The "friendship ramping period" is a period of time where you and the PPP get to know each other on a vanilla basis, with the aim of developing a friendship. The length of this period should be established during the initial public meet-up described above. The length and conditions are entirely up to you and your comfort level, of course.
The goal is to give yourself a period of time to get to know the PPP as a person before jumping into the kinky stuff. Do I like them as a person? Are they trustworthy? Do they stick to the agreements we made and the boundaries we set?
Read the full version of this section.
First Play At A Play Party
After the friendship ramping period, you can begin a conversation with the PPP about playing at a play party. (Please see the separate section on Vetting Groups and Play Parties below.) Once again, we encourage you to take what works for you, and leave what does not.
Prior to your first play scene, make sure you have negotiated/navigated fully.
Your first scene together should probably be a "lab-style" play scene. If either of you is new to the BDSM community, then the first 2 or 3 scenes you do together should also probably be "lab-style."
Arrange to have a trusted friend on hand as a wing-person to observe the scene and the PPP, watching for any potential red flags while you are playing.
Never drink irresponsibly or get high prior to playing.
Keep all play dates to "play parties only" for a substantial length of time. Once both of you feel ready to start playing in private, state your readiness and ask to hold off for at least one month.
Read the full version of this section.
First Private Play
Never play privately for the first time at a venue you are unfamiliar with, like the PPP's home.
Arrange a safe call (see the full guide for details).
Before your date, make sure you have fully negotiated.
Have safewords in place.
During your date, before playing, do a recap of what you've negotiated/navigated.
Your first few private play dates should not involve restraint from which the bound person cannot remove themself. (This should be part of your scene negotiation.) Keep your cell phone within easy reach of the play scene, and keep in mind that you can revoke consent at any time.
Read the full version of this section.